With the shortest day behind us, the longer days ahead will give us a chance to enjoy the outdoors, even if there’s still a need to rug up.

Life Goes on
2023-24 provided another year of strong returns for investors with key themes:
– Lower inflation globally : monetary policy still works to slow inflation & lower inflation is good for shares
– Central banks pivoting towards rate cuts
– Economic conditions and global growth better than feared
– Geopolitical concerns
– AI enthusiasm continuing to boost key tech stocks ( mainly in US) with optimism about its productivity enhancing benefits

2024 is a historic election year, with elections in 50 countries. More than 2 billion voters headed /or heading to polls including the UK, France, United States, India, Mexico and South Africa. Breaking news this week as Joe Biden ended his re- election plans and endorsed Kamala Harris . Harris has the support of enough Democrates to be the party’s presidential nominee. The world is watching .

We live is a fast paced & changing world and in a country we are blessed to call home!

As always, we are here to help navigate the way forward, support you to achieve financial and personal wellbeing and a full and happy life

” Happy Reading”


Market Report: June 2024 and ahead


Equity and bond markets continued May’s positive performance into June. Major equity indices reached new highs in the first half of the year, while bond markets showed signs of stabilization following a period of volatility. 

2024 July : Flight Path to Success

In the journey of achieving your financial and lifestyle goals, think of your personal financial strategy as the flight plan guiding us to your desired destination. Over the past year, we’ve navigated through varying market conditions, achieving solid results for the FY 2024 with ups and downs along the way.

Riding the AI wave

Riding the AI wave to make your life easier

During a period where technological developments have picked up speed, one innovation in particular wields a profound, broad-reaching impact on our lives.

What’s all the noise about loud budgeting?

Loud budgeting is a trend that may have started as a joke but is being embraced by those who want to share their financial goals and priorities and in doing so, also improve their chances of achieving them.

Be financially well organised

Be financially well organised

The more we can do to get our financial house in order and be financially well organised, the more we can reduce financial stress, promote financial wellbeing and increase our chance for a happy, healthy and productive life.