Accounting services
- Working with, and passing preparation of all financials, tax returns and ongoing administration with selected administrator.
- With business assets we provide advice on a wide range of topics, including:
- Potential for small business concessions under $2m turnover or <$6m assessable assets.
- Importance of 15 year rule or eligibility for retirement exemption.
- Transitioning from small business operations, with the sale and then moving into retirement.
SMSF advisory services
EWK provides a full superannuation and SMSF service encompassing financial planning, tax and accounting advice.
- SMSF service features:
- Implement an SMSF.
- Advice and investments.
- Structuring cashflow needs in retirement.
- Operations and administration.
- Audit.
- Final tax return stage.
- Ongoing advice and guidance on accessing allowable limits of concessional, personal and non-concessional contributions, withdrawals and recontribution strategies.
- Managing TTR and ABP pensions for taxable and tax free segregation, minimum pension payments, transfer balance caps, and total super balances. Binding death nominations.
- Investment advice in line with client objectives, cash flow needs and risk profiles.
- Strategic and Dynamic asset allocation supported by asset consultant specialists.
- Flexibility of investment spectrum to cater for client preference, e.g., property as part of the overall investment strategy.
- Investment strategy preparation for audit purposes at least annually.
The SMSF service provides a seamless approach to completing audits and operating the fund in the background by specialists on the client’s behalf.