Client communication is an essential part of the client experience. This includes:
- Updating health and personal circumstances.
- Planning cashflow needs for the next 12 months and reviewing planned expenses for the next 5 years.
- Working with clients on their goals and assisting them to tick off items from their wish list.
- Check in on family, new family members, any concerns, and changes that affect them and their needs.
- Make any changes to the client’s risk profile.
- Update Fact Find and Circle Chart to reinforce the risk and returns parameters and get sign off each year.
- Check and maintain ongoing ID, FSC forms, and checklist.
- Confirm and monitor their objectives and update what is important to them over time.
- When required, and at least annually, a one page summary chart of each client’s financial position at a specific point in time. This is a complete Fact Find for reviewing strategy and the client’s records.
The ongoing review service tracks progress and the achievements to date. It provides the ability to plan, deliver advice and update circumstances.